
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why smoothies are my new drug

This pregnancy has been a lot different to my first.  With this one there are so many foods I can't eat......only for the pure fact just the thought and especially the smell of them makes me feel ill.  At the moment I'm pretty much living on salad, fruit, yogurt and fish.  I'm consuming lemon , limes and blood oranges like I'm an eighties pop star and they are my cocaine!

It works, I guess, because I can't even have a little junk food as my body (my baby) rejects it but as I can't stomach red meat I wanted to make sure I was getting enough iron...thus my smoothie was born.  This is actually a hybrid smoothie, I have taken bits and pieces from others added my own ideas and come up with this.  I started drinking this when we were trying for a baby and have kept going with it.

I have a 'small ' blender and don't really use measurements of anything but the following are my ingredients;

- Fleurieu Milk Great milk and local to me.
- Black Swan Breakfast yogurt.
- Bananas (yes they are priced like gold but if I can get them cheap they are in!)
- Any berries I can get my hands on.
- 3 leaves of spinach (you can barely taste it and it's good for you)
- Tablespoon of chia seeds (provide super powers)
- If there are mango's or peaches around they go well too.

If you decide to try this I'd love to hear what you think - or do you have a super breakfast of your own?

1 comment:

  1. I ate citrus/acidic food with all my kids, oranges with the first, manderines with the second and pinapple with the third...i dont even LIKE pinapple!
    We always have smoothies here.Our fave is berry(frozen), apple juice, frozen watermelon and sometimes strawberries (fresh) and mango.I find banana makes it a little thick so we leave that for if we are making banana and strawberrie milk smoothies.
    If you are looking for greens to add I have heard kale is just as good as spinach.
