
Thursday, August 23, 2012

What I want versus what is actually happening....

With the Mr away most weeks Monday through Friday this little female run house works pretty well.  Considering how naturally disorganised I am I think I do okay.  Chloe is at school everyday, on time, dressed.  Summer is pretty happy - as far as an eight month old can have life satisfaction. Me, well I wear a bra, brush my hair and have my lipstick on I pass as a fairly fully functioning adult.

I was reading through some blogs tonight, one handed on my phone whilst breastfeeding, and I was thinking, sshhh don't tell anyone, there are so many things I would love to write about.  To tell you all that it was happening but I can't , because it's not real.


What I want.....
I would love to tell you that after a nice walk home in the country air and a play with some friends the girls and I collected the eggs from our chooks and vegetables, herbs and salad from my kitchen garden. We then spent a wonderful hour preparing dinner together and eating in peace at the dinner table before bath, bed, book and sleep.

What really happens.....
I drive the two blocks to school because we live in one of the wettest small towns in South Australia, seriously, my backyard looks like an in ground pool, I leave early because if I drive around a bit Summer may actually have a day sleep that lasts longer than five minutes.  I sit in the car trying to catch up on banking on my iPhone before running in the rain to get Chloe from class (unless some kind hearted Mum offers to tell her where I am!).  We then go home to squawks of 'Why can't (insert various names here) come's not fair....I'm the only kid in the world who doesn't have a horse'.  We then get home and I wade through the backyard swamp and muster, yes muster, my free range I'll do what I god damn want to chickens into their night shed.  We then usually do sit in the kitchen whilst I make Chloe her dinner and try and feed the baby her's - which can result in various vegetables (some actually from my garden!) thrown everywhere.  Then there's the bath which is cute for a bit until Summer has had it because she ca't eat the rubber duck and Chloe want's to sell her on ebay because she doesn't be quiet.  Then after homework, various breakdowns, a few books, lots of cuddles.......the girls are in bed.....I am starving.....but one glass of red and a blog post later it's all good.

I'll clean up later but right now, after the the freezing cold by the fire I'm really grateful for my crazy children and chaotic life.

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